
Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.1 Apply Functions in Formulas: Use Nested Functions


Using NESTED Functions

Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access both use NESTED Formulas. A NESTED Formula is made by using one formula within another.

Many NESTED formulas begin with the Logical Function IF. One IF Function can be inside another. You can also use COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and IFERROR. You can NEST up to 64 Functions in Excel!


1. Try it: Set up the Data

Add a new, blank spreadsheet.
Rename the spreadsheet: NESTED Function.

Add the following labels:

In cell A1, type Sales Rep

In cell B1, type Amount

In cell C1, type Commission


Format the Labels in Row 1 Bold.

Format Column B for Accounting.

Format Column C for Percentage.


Please enter the data as shown.

Keep going...

Formulas ->Function Library-> Logical->IF